quinta-feira, 19 de maio de 2016

The Butler of the House of Death - by LdeM

The Butler of the House of Death

The scene is open.
With no transition. Gloomy
figure, with dark
smoking. A true
cliché of B movies.
Gothic shadow in speech.
He acted in the shades
of the palace backstages.
He opened morphetic wings
over the platforms.
He betrayed with no shame
with no cheesy mercy.
With astuteness & discretion
he dominated & divided
he plotted & subtracted.

He arose to the throne
He dressed the royal sash
he exhibited the medals.
He stuttered asthmatic
sinister voiceless
he asked a pastille.
He grumbled vocables
and listed the
draconian measures of
order & progress
for the national
Pacification of social
Peace where some rules
and other ones obey.

He gathered a troupe
of methuselahs foxies
of vile politics
(the owners of the power!)
dressed as ravens
to sign the posts at
the Mansion of the decrees
the funest House
of the high power
where the banished people
is illegal excluded
while their old
Excellencies nod
for the photos where
their shadows vanish off.


[may 12th 2016 : begins the reign of Terror...]

by LdeM

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